Seasons Change

There’s both a celebration and a melancholy that happens during the change of seasons. This season’s change is especially difficult, as we say goodbye to our pools, beaches, long warm nights and glorious early morning sunrises. This weekend, Instagram is filled with trips to the beach with captions focused on capturing those last summer days.Continue reading “Seasons Change”

The Sounds of Summer Nights

I went for a car ride tonight by myself and remembered how glorious the sounds of summer nights can truly be. I rarely allow myself to soak in that concert of nature because I always have both the radio and the air conditioning blasting while driving. I’m also usually buried somewhere in my head aboutContinue reading “The Sounds of Summer Nights”

Bridging the Political Gap

Peace in not the absence of conflict. It is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.    -Ronald Reagan Many social events I attended during this past fall season were attended by friends and family from both sides of the political fence. I know many people who share my ideologies and I know manyContinue reading “Bridging the Political Gap”

Living in the Clouds of “Shoulds”

‘Expectations are resentments waiting to happen.” -Brene Brown Something on which I am spending a lot of time in therapy discussing is my expectation hangover from my childhood. For those of you unfamiliar with this term, it refers to the disappointment one experiences when your reality does not match your fantasy. I grew up watchingContinue reading “Living in the Clouds of “Shoulds””

6 Ways to Keep Your Vacation Alive

Returning from vacation is always bittersweet. You have the amazing memories you’ve created while away, but you also face harsh reality when you get back to your normal life as you know it. The pressures of work, family and duty can drain you quickly of all that relaxation you are trying so desperately to keepContinue reading “6 Ways to Keep Your Vacation Alive”

The Self-Help Aisle

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” -Aristotle I remember the first time I found the self-help section at Barnes & Noble. I was living by myself on Long Island, commuting to my new job in New York City. I had no car and lived by myself. I exhausted myself enough during the weekContinue reading “The Self-Help Aisle”

Returning to Real Life

Ok folks, tomorrow we test how we carry our well-simmered serenity back into our real lives. For many of us, whatever vacation we’ve had over the last few weeks is coming to an end tonight. We will return to whatever real life looks like for each of us. For some of us it is work,Continue reading “Returning to Real Life”

Are You Happy?

“It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.” -Joseph Campbell For anyone who has known me well, and over a significant period of time, you know that I have never allowed myself to be truly happy. I have been an extraordinaryContinue reading “Are You Happy?”